We were incredibly happy with our result and the opportunity to show our fellow colleagues what we had been working on for the last few months.
Because our project deliverable consisted our of a build file for the Oculus Quest, we didn’t have the chance to create a demo which reflects our creation the same way as it would be in a live environment. Nevertheless, I tried to capture the experiences by recording them and making them available on the following YouTube playlist. Please have a look if you are interested. The following screenshots highlight the different rooms/paths you can take, but it obviously doesn’t highlight our project the same way as playing the experience like it was designed to. You can click on each room to go to the corresponding video.
This project was the last project of my bachelor’s degree and by far the most ambitious I had worked on. I am very proud of the result and would like to thank everyone involved for making this happen.
I would like to thank my fellow team members Ruth Fernandez, Marco Vander Gracht, Timo Baginski, Tibo Van Houtte, Ermando Dulluku and Daniel Dickinson for the amazing collaboration we had during our Erasmus.
Also thanks to our project supervisors Michael Iber and Stefan Nebel for supporting us.